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Weekly General Forecast for Air Signs Sun Moon & Rising 02-25-21-03-04-21

So there is or will be a feminine energy around you that is resourceful, intelligent fairly settled in their life (Could be a water sign or Capricorn Taurus or Virgo) with great advice and connections that can benefit you and them in the long run. This person can bring you harmony and balance and is a ideal partner in any aspect. You guys together will be such a healing experience if you allow it to happen. You need to open yourself up to this person and listen if you dont it will cause a problem in your own personal life. It seems most of you have already done something to cause a rift in yall relationship and there is still time to fix it but not much time. You need to be balanced and you cant do it by yourself, this person can give the foundation you need. Figure out what you can do to fix it and be patient the person you done pissed of is not going to be to willing at first you fucked up so many times and they already slowly but surely giving up on you, and that nobody faults but yours take responsibility for actions. Its time to grow up and stop acting out of your ego and pride. Just because you lack in some area and need help doesn't make you a less then stop being embarrassed and embarrassing yourself further by not allowing someone who cares about you trying to lend you a helping hand. Nobody really does anything by their self. Humble yourself dust yourself off and be will to take the help you are not in a position not to take the help. this person has respect for you so stop disrespecting them and not taking the help out of your own Insecurity. people make mistakes everyday its what you do with that mistake that matters. You can regain your sense of validation through productivity. So get up and get back to work. The world isnt over this isnt the end. Regain clarity and who are and what you want in life. Find out what steps it is that you need to take and start implementing them in to your life one step at a time. Seek advice and create a realistic and structured plan of action with this person. Trust me once you start taking yourselves more serious you will notice people will have a different reaction to you and start taking you serious. You dont have to make this harder and agonizing for yourself by being stubborn. there is no shame in being wrong and needing to lean on someone we all hit low points in our life and its going to happen again, life is full of lessons. are you learning them or ignoring them its your choice thats the perk of free will.

some advice i would give is take responabitly for actions fix what ever it is you fucked up and forgive yourself this situation is already resolved all you have to do is take the steps in that directon

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