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Weekly General Forecast for Water Signs Sun Moon & Rising Pisces,Cancer,Scorpio( 02-15-21-02-22-21)

We have been putting in the hard work! Getting back in to our creative side, opening business, going back to school, getting promotions in our jobs. Things are really looking up for us right now and we can definitely guarantee see the fruits of our labor very soon. I do see through there is ether a inner turmoil or a conflict that's going to cause a lot of emotional strain. Don't fall back into your old negative coping skills. There was a good reason for this conflict to shed some light on some things that need attention so balance can be restored. Once things are restored and conflicts are resolved fairly so something may seem unfair at first b/c you are being selfish. step out of yourself and see the truth of the situation. Make sure you're are doing everything you need to enhance your skills you have already or even gain some new ones. Don't get stagnate and start proscarnating by putting things off because you think you have time to do it later you don't. You also know for some of us that can be a slippery slope and we may not end up seeing everything through. So be actively taking all the steps to better yourself and projects but not too much where it becomes overwhelming. Make sure you're are saving your money and create a better relationship with your finances and career by being more disciplining yourself and moving smart with your money there's nothing wrong with spending but where are you spending it at are you really making smart decisions?

Some advice i would give is take this time and be honest with yourself and see what part you play in your current situation especially when it comes to money. Make more smart and informed decisions have a back up plan and be smart with your money and you will see a change.

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